5 reasons why you should be wearing seatbelts

Here’s a chilling fact – over 22,000 deaths that occurred in 2015 were due to motor car accidents and an even concerning statistic is that more than half of them (around 55-59%) were unrestrained car accidents.

Seat belts are there for a reason and we know that driving on the open road on a high speed might be thrilling and can give you an adrenaline rush but don’t risk your life by not wearing any seatbelt. You are not proving yourself to be a daredevil by doing that and in the process breaking the law.

Still need to be convinced to wear a seatbelt? Here are 5 reasons why you need to buckle up fast:

1. Safety

Whether you are the driver or a passenger, you need to have your seatbelts fastened as soon as you sit in the car. A seatbelt is designed to keep your body restrained even if there is a slight jerk or break to prevent any major or minor injuries. You need to ensure that you and whoever is riding the car with you has fastened their seatbelts at all times during the movement of the vehicle.

2. It’s the law

Apart from the safety aspect, it is the law in all the states and in every country of the world to have the seatbelts on while commuting in cars. You will also be charged if you are found not wearing a seatbelt. So be a law abiding citizen and not risk getting yourself fined for something that you could have easily avoided. There is no excuse for not wearing a seatbelt.

3. Airbags don’t work well if you aren’t wearing any seatbelt

Did you know that if you don’t wear a seatbelt and if there is a sudden accident causing the airbags to balloon up, they won’t be as useful if you are not properly restrained on your seat? You could be swinging to the side or even falling out of the car if you are not wearing a seatbelt rendering the airbags completely useless in protecting you from harm.

4. No seatbelt=no insurance

If you have a car accident and you want to claim your insurance, you won’t get any if it is found out that you were not wearing a seatbelt at the time of the accident. Insurance companies investigate the accident firsthand and see no reasons for giving you insurance for the damages that you could have easily prevented.

5. Seatbelts make you look cool

Nobody looks cool by breaking the law. It’s not cool to get a ticket, it’s not cool to be in an accident and it’s certainly not cool to not get any insurance for an accident. So buckle up and drive away because taking care of your life and car is the most responsible thing to do.


Why would you want to hear the beeping noise when you are not wearing a seatbelt? It will constantly nag you anyway so just spare yourself from that frustration and wear a seatbelt.

If you get uncomfortable from wearing a seatbelt because it doesn’t fit you well, there are custom-made seatbelts available that you can get for yourself.