
Driving Etiquettes That Everyone Must Know

Driving can be fun and relaxing for many while it can be stressful or tiring for others, but whatever mood you are in, just make sure you are a considerate and polite driver. A good driver doesn’t necessarily mean that he/she is a polite one because there are people who can be quite annoying on…

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Driving and traffic schools: Why you need to go there

Driving is an essential skill that should be mandatory for every adult. It is highly useful and you never know when you might need it. So if you are over 17 and still not confident enough to drive on the road, a driving school is your best bet to getting behind the steering wheel. Alternately,…

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Do Parking Violations Go On Your Record?

So you got a parking ticket, so what, right? Actually, while it may not seem like much of a problem, your failure to park properly can end up costing you a lot. That’s not only in a hefty penalty but it can be quite a major inconvenience for you as well. Imagine coming out to…

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Don’t Do These 4 Things before Driving Your Car

Excellent driving is one of the most underrated skills in the world. The whole road dynamics can be changed even if there is one unskilled driver among the traffic, so you can imagine how important it is to be skilled behind the steering wheel. There are certain things you can’t do while driving and then…

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Defensive Driving By Improv

When it comes to defensive driving courses, many people are hesitant taking it because it takes too much time and effort and it’s not even all that fun! After all, who wants to sit through a boring class of driving and different tickets, right? But since it’s so important, people have no choice but to…

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Checking The California Driver’s License Status

Have you ever wondered what the status of your driver’s license is? Of course, many people can’t be bothered but you can’t turn yourself into “many people”. It’s important to keep track of these so that you’re aware of just exactly what is going on with your driver’s license. After all, you don’t want to…

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10 mph over speed limit ticket cost

  Speeding tickets are not something you ever want on your driving record. But sometimes due to circumstances and careless driving, one ends up getting one. Speeding tickets vary from state to state but generally you have to pay over a 100$ penalty for driving over the speed limit mentioned on the road. If you…

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5 Wrong Things That People still do While Driving

So you know all about driving and the general no-nos that you can’t drink and drive or use a phone to text or call anyone while driving. But there are still certain things that many drivers don’t know or at least ignore while they are driving. Driving might seem easy but it comes with a…

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5 ways to be a better parker

It is not good enough just to be the perfect driver but you have to be skilled at parking your car. Many people can claim to be the king of the road when they are driving but the true test of a skilled driver comes not on the smooth turns or changing lanes but parking…

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5 ways to ace the driver’s written test

So you finally mustered up the courage to give your driving test. But before you give the test on the road, there is another mountain that you have to conquer: the written test at the DMV.  You can’t get your driver’s license if you haven’t passed the written test and its better if you get…

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