
Parking Tickets and Driving Records

Whether you live in the United States or Japan, every driver in the world knows how much of an inconvenience parking can really be. And with that said, we’ll have a hard time believing you if you say that you’ve been driving for a couple of years but have never had a parking ticket to…

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How to Check the Status of Your Driver’s License in California

Drivers in California are always worried about the status of their driver’s license. This is because there is a lot that can happen to your driver’s license in California and the status of your driver’s license can be affected by a number of factors.   Even though there are several reasons for which you might…

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How to Check if My Driver’s License is Suspended in CA?

In California, your driver’s license can be suspended without you being notified right away. The legalities involved may take a long time for the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to get back to you and give you the dire news that your driving license, is in fact, invalid, and is a legal issue that you…

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How much is a speeding ticket in Arizona?

We understand that you have a license that is valid in Arizona – or at least we hope you do – but that doesn’t give you a free ticket to risk your own life and the lives of other motorists on the streets of the state.  We know that you probably love the thrill that…

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How Many Questions are there on a Driver’s Test?

The driver’s test can seem like an insurmountable goal when it is looming ahead in front of you. Your parents might try to cheer you up with rules and their tips, your friends might try to cheer you up by making fun of you, and even your cat might sympathize. We understand that the driver’s…

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How Long do Unpaid Parking Tickets Stay on Your Record?

If you believed that parking tickets go on your record, we’ve got some great news for you: they don’t! But that doesn’t mean that you can let them keep piling up. As with every other type of tickets that you can get as a motorist, you should know that parking tickets have the ability to…

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How Long Do Parking Tickets Stay On Your Record?

While getting a ticket may be a slight annoyance to you, something that you would recover from in a short amount of time, he problem arises when you’re asked “how’s your driving record?” and this is when all the parking tickets that you’ve left unpaid come back to haunt you. While most people do not…

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5 Fun Facts about Florida

Florida, the Sunshine State is one of the most populous states in the United States and this is not everything that the country has to offer. Apart from being a sunny state, Florida is also host to a number of crazy, fun and mind blowing aspects that you may not likely know about. And hey,…

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Do Parking Tickets go on Your Record?

If you’re reading this, there’s a high possibility that you recently got a parking ticket and you’re worried about the consequences it may have. Will it affect my insurance? Will it go on my record? Does it have the potential of stripping me of my right to drive in the long run? Read on for…

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Defensive Driving Statistics That Will Blow Your Mind

Numbers never lie. And they are certainly the source of the most reliable information. While many people talk about the dangers on the road and the importance of a defensive driving course, the moral of the long-winded talk may be drowned under the sheer lack of context or proof. This is where we come in….

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