Los Angeles County Traffic School
ComedyTrafficSchool.com has been approved in Los Angeles County for more than 10 years and we have helped thousands of students keep points masked from their driving records. We’re fast, easy, fun and we give our customers tickets to a comedy show upon completion of the course.

How traffic school works in Los Angeles County:
Once you receive a ticket, it’s going to take a little while for the court to enter your ticket into their system before you can do anything such as search for it on their website, pay for the ticket, contest it, ignore it, etc. Once the court has entered the ticket into their system, you may look it up on the court’s website and pay for it there online, in person, or by mail. When you pay for your ticket, the court is going to charge you an additional fee for traffic school if you are eligible. If you are in fact eligible, you want to be sure to include this additional fee with the cost of your ticket. This fee is usually around $64.00. You must be sure to pay this fee to the court so that the court will accept your traffic school completion. Unfortunately, this fee does not cover the cost of the traffic school you choose to attend as the traffic school will have their own separate fee.
The court will issue you a date that your ticket must be paid by. There will be another date that your traffic school needs to be completed by. An extension can be granted for both your payment and your traffic school. You may receive a one-time 90 day extension for your payment and a one-time 60 day extension for your traffic school.
Once you complete your traffic school, the traffic school will notify the court electronically that you have completed your course. It is highly recommended to follow up with the court to ensure your ticket has been dismissed.
Need California Traffic School For a Different County?
If you received your citation in a county other than Los Angeles County, ComedyTrafficSchool.com can help! We offer approved traffic school for every county in California including: Orange County, Sacramento County, San Francisco County, Alameda County, San Diego County, Contra Costa County, San Bernardino County, Riverside County, Kern County, and many more.
Comedy Traffic School is the best Los Angeles Traffic School online!